Алла Петрова

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Present Percent Continuous.   1 ответ

Не могу понять как определить в какой форме употреблять глаголы в предложениях
1. Over the past four years, Procter and Gamble HAS CUT/ HAS BEEN CUTTING its use of packaging materials overall by 24 per cent, including a 42 cent reduction in paperboard. It per HAS also LIFTED / HAS BEEN LIFTING the level of its packaging to 37 per cent. The company HAS TRIED/HAS BEEN TRYING to catch up with strict environmental regulations. 2) French Connection,…

Статистика   0 ответов

Анализ основных статистических закономерностей дифференциации денежных доходов российского населения в современных условиях

Как определить где Simple, а где continuous   1 ответ

1.Job interview normally takes place in the company’s office or recruiting agency. 2. The market will be definitely there in a few years. 3. Manufacturers produce new goods from raw materials. 4. Last year was a good year for the firm and our sales increased considerably. 5. At present engineers and designers of that plant continually are developing and creating new products.

Переведите предложение на русский язык   1 ответ

Booming house prices hurt first-time buyers much more than those already on the property ladder

АНГЛИЙСКИИЙ!Выпишите причастие( причастие I или причастие II) из каждого предложения, определите его функцию   6 ответов

0 1. As a result, production and jobs in some industries were shifted to other countries. 2. Money for this program is collected by a special tax, paid equally by employer and employee. 3. Licensing is very attractive for firms lacking the capital to develop operations overseas. 4. Booming house prices hurt first-time buyers much more than those already on the property ladder. 5. This investment strategy has worked extremely well, producing an annual return of 17% since 2005.
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