👎 00

Определить время и залог сказуемого, глагол сказуемое и инфинитив

Переведите предложение, определите время и залог сказуемого. Выпишите глагол- сказуемое , укажите инфинитив.
1.Many industries are hoghly automated or used automation technology in some part of their operation.
2.The basic job of computers is processing information.
3. Computers accept information in the form of instruction called a programme.
английский язык обучение     #1   11 фев 2017 20:38   Увидели: 22 клиента, 43 специалиста   Ответить

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Другие вопросы на эту тему:

👎 22

Прошу Вас проверить меня!! Очень нужно!!!!   2 ответа

1. This process IS CALLED headhunting. (prestnt simple, passive)
2. Fred HAS BEEN recruitED. (present perfect, passive)
3. Harry IS a building engineer. ( present simple, active)
4. He APPLIED for the job by completing an application form and seeding in it. (present continuous, passive)
5. She TALKS about the selektion process, the methods that the company uses to recruit people. (present, active)
6. The local supermarket WAS ADVERTISING for van drivers for a new delivery service. (past progressive, passive)
  19 фев 2015 21:43  
👎 05

Помогите пожалуйста сделать!!! не понимаю.   5 ответов

Надо найти глагол-сказуемое и определить его видовременную форму и залог!-
The new system of authomatic control is widely used in car operation.
. If friction were eliminated, no force at all would be necessary to keep the body in motion
. Since mechanization and automation had been introduced in the economy, the well-being of the population started growing steadily.
. Draft cattle is replaced almost everywere by agricultural…

  14 мар 2021 19:05  
👎 00

Определить время и залог глагола;найти модальный глагол ;определение или причастие определить форму и группу   0 ответов

The scheme adopted for the tunnel is of great technical interest. First of all the tunnel has a very deep grade. Actually it is so steep that the rack and pinion system had to be used to ensure a safe operation of electric trains in the tunnel.
The second feature of the tunnel is a great volume of earth-work involved in its construction. The first underground station is located at a height of 2,820 m. here galleries were bored through the rock…
  22 фев 2017 10:56  
👎 06

АНГЛИЙСКИИЙ!Выпишите причастие( причастие I или причастие II) из каждого предложения, определите его функцию   6 ответов

0 1. As a result, production and jobs in some industries were shifted to other countries. 2. Money for this program is collected by a special tax, paid equally by employer and employee. 3. Licensing is very attractive for firms lacking the capital to develop operations overseas. 4. Booming house prices hurt first-time buyers much more than those already on the property ladder. 5. This investment strategy has worked extremely well, producing an annual return of 17% since 2005.
  15 апр 2016 14:04  
👎 00

Выпишите сказуемые, определить видовременную форму и залог   0 ответов

Выпишите сказуемые, определить видовременную форму и залог.
1.Input devices have became easier to use. 2. New generations of computer technology will continue to affect the processing of data and information. 3.Computers are also being used to collect and analyze data. 4.The will be waiting for him at 8.30. 5.The term computer generation was applied to different types of computers to help delineate the major technological developments in hardware…
  18 фев 2014 10:40  
👎 01

Помогите определить видо-временные формы и залог   1 ответ

Surface mining and deep underground mining are the two basic methods of mining.
Coal is greatly valued for its energy content.
The development of this hypothesis was undertaken by numerous investigations.
The properties of this mineral are affected by many natural phenomena.
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