👎 01

Помогите определить видовременные формы глагола и инфинитив в двнных предложениях

1. New York attracts people from all over.
2. The first building boom for skyscrapers came in the late 1920s.
3. Many of New York's offices and jobs are in Midtown.
английский язык обучение     #1   05 дек 2012 05:18   Увидели: 18 клиентов, 8 специалистов   Ответить
👎 1
Кристина, на данном форуме не принято выполнять всю работу за обратившегося. Попробуйте найти в этих предложениях глаголы (если нужно, переведите). Дальше вам будет очень легко определить, какие это видовременные формы — тут всего два простых времени.

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👎 -13

Rewrite the following text in the passive.   3 ответа

Over the past ten years oil spills have polluted the seas surrounding Britain. The tankers spill oil onto the coast and this harms many forms of wildlife. Environmentalists say that they need a lot of volunteers if they are to minimise the damage. In future, the government has promised that it will prosecute the owners of any tankers that pollute the North Sea in this way. The government also hopes that they can prevent such incidents by building more lighthouses along the coastline.
  12 дек 2016 14:53  
👎 -11

Тесты   1 ответ

Укажите предложение со сказуемым в страдательном залоге

Выберите один ответ:
a. Developed European countries are exporting high-quality goods all over the world
b. All decisions about goods production were made by the central offices in the Soviet block countries
c. Changes in consumer demand have influenced goods quantity and quality demanded
  15 мар 2017 16:43  
👎 00

Определить видовременную форму сказуемого в предложении   0 ответов

IV. Определите видовременную форму сказуемого в предложении.
Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Moscow State Building University trains specialists for the most important
Branches of modern construction.
2. The building of this university will be the best in the world.
3. She was doing her test when we came to see her.
4. I have known him since 1970.
  21 дек 2017 18:23  
👎 06

АНГЛИЙСКИИЙ!Выпишите причастие( причастие I или причастие II) из каждого предложения, определите его функцию   6 ответов

0 1. As a result, production and jobs in some industries were shifted to other countries. 2. Money for this program is collected by a special tax, paid equally by employer and employee. 3. Licensing is very attractive for firms lacking the capital to develop operations overseas. 4. Booming house prices hurt first-time buyers much more than those already on the property ladder. 5. This investment strategy has worked extremely well, producing an annual return of 17% since 2005.
  15 апр 2016 14:04  
👎 00

Our century has had several names that were connected with a…   0 ответов

Our century has had several names that were connected with a certain era in science and technology (Causative form, Present Perfect)
At first it was called the atomic age due to the discovery of the splitting of the atom (Passive Voice, Past Simple)
Then it became the age of the conquest of space when for the first time in the history of mankind a man overcame the gravity and entered the Universe (Active Voice, Past Simple)
And now we live…
  03 дек 2015 07:55  
👎 221

Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в нужной форме (Present, Past, Future Indefinite)   21 ответ

Помогите пожалуйста !
. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в нужной форме (Present, Past, Future Indefinite)
1. She (not/ to teach) English at school.
2. You (to meet) him yesterday?
3. The firm (to buy) new computers next month.
4. The Dean (to ask) many questions at the lecture last week.
5. Where you (to go) next summer?
6. They (to use) new scientific data for their last experiment.
7. When the concert (to be over) all the people…
  11 дек 2012 22:49  
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