Валентина Воробьева

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Английский язык. Определите залог и время сказуемого.   6 ответов

1.Have you learnt the new words?
2.This film is much talked about.
3.Sometimes he watches TV in the evening.
4.He didn't know why her name had been crossed out.
5.Why are you smiling? — I'm reading a very funny story.
6.When do you think she will come?
7.When I called on Tom he was playing the piano.


Английский язык   2 ответа

укажите функции инфинитива:

1.It is difficult to translate this text.
2.To know these processes we must study them.
3.These are the students to help the farmers in summer.
4.Our aim is to improve soil fertility.
5.To solve this problem now is very important both for industry and for agriculture.


Английский язык. Определите залог и время сказуемого   2 ответа

Have you ever been to Leningrad?
His lecture will be listened to with great attention.
While we were working, Tom was on the phone.
When I entered, the work plan was still in discussion.
Who do you usually go to the movies with?

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