👎 -16

Помогите выполнить задания по английскому?

Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными, а затем отрицательными.
1 He does his homework in the evening.
2 He goes to the university by bus every day except on Sundays.
3 Most of our students live far from the university.
4 They store information on computers.
5 He wants to start his own business.
6 We like to watch TV programmes about wild life.
английский язык обучение     #1   31 май 2014 16:13   Увидели: 36 клиентов, 1 специалист   Ответить
👎 3
Егор, воспользуйтесь сайтом www. Lingualeo.ru.
.Там в разделе Грамматические курсы есть подраздел Present Simple, в котором вы научитесь употреблять нужные формы глаголов. Результат выкладывайте сюда, проверю и помогу разобраться.
👎 4
Проверьте пожалуйста

1. He MAKES his homework in the evening.
When does he prefer to make his homework? In the evening?
No, he doesn't make his homework in the evening. He prefers to make them in the morning.

2 He GETS to his university by bus every day except on Sundays.
How often does he visit his university? Every day except on Sundays? Does he take a bus to get to his university?
No, only on Sundays. Moreover, he doesn't take a bus. He gets to his University on foot.

3 THE MOST PART of our students liveS far from the university.
Where does the most part of your students live? Near?
No, they live far from the University.

4 They store THE information on computers.
Where do they store the information? On computers?
No, they store thq information on tablets.

5 He wants to start his own business.
Does he want to start his own business?
No, he doesn't want because of living in Russia.

6 We like to watch TV-programs about THE wild life.
About what do you like to watch the TV-programs? About the wild life?
No, we doesn't like to watch TV-programs about the wild life. We like to watch them about the Star's private life.
  #3   01 июн 2014 08:23   Ответить
👎 1
можете проверить выполнение остальных заданий? я сюда их напишу. хочу быть уверен в их правильности.
  #4   01 июн 2014 08:25   Ответить
👎 4
1. He MAKES his homework in the evening. Здесь должно быть DOES, так как есть сочетание to do homework.
Исправьте в остальных.

When does he prefer to make his homework? In the evening?
No, he doesn't make his homework in the evening.
He prefers to make them in the morning. Домашняя работа — это не they, а it, что в объектном падеже (после глагола) дает не them, a it. Исправьте.

2 He GETS to his university by bus every day except on Sundays.
How often does he visit his university? В университет ходят, а не посещают, есть сочетание to go to university, поэтому в вашем изначальном варианте было все нормально, зачем вам исправлять go на visit?

Every day except on Sundays? Does he take a bus to get to his university?
No, only on Sundays. Moreover, he doesn't take a bus. He gets to his University on foot.

3 THE MOST PART of our students liveS far from the university.
Where does the most part of your students live? Near? — Уточните, возле чего. Near the university?
No, they live far from the University.

4 They store THE information on computers. — Если имеется ввиду ТА САМАЯ информация, тогда артикль оставляем, если же информация вообще, любая — то без артикля, как и ббыло в старт посте.
Where do they store the information? On computers?
No, they store thq information on tablets.

5 He wants to start his own business.
Does he want to start his own business?
No, he doesn't want because of living in Russia.

6 We like to watch TV-programs about THE wild life. То же замечание, что и в номере 4.
About what do you like to watch the TV-programs?
About the wild life?
No, we doesn't like to watch TV-programs about the wild life. — We don't like...

We like to watch them about the Star's private life. — Слово them здесь лишнее.
👎 1
И еще, насчет номера 3 — the most part of — зачем Вам оно, было же прекрасно в исходном предложении.
👎 2
В метро нельзя ничего делать. Пропустила в шестом. Кто такой the Star?

Если имелись ввиду знаменитости, то celebrities.

В шестом же — вопрос звучит очень коряво. What kind of programmes do you like?

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Найти сказуемое, определить видовременные формы и залог   0 ответов

Помогите пожалуйста выполнить срочно задание: нужно найти сказуемое,определить видовременные формы и залог.
1.he had qiven the book to me for two days and asked me to return it in time.
2.the other day I made the acquaintance of an old sailor.
3.it was very hot in this room becaus the windows were closed.
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