👎 02

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2)мы знали,что вчера утром она сдавала экзамен. получив хорошую оценку,она обрадовалась
we knew? thet in the morning yesterday she had passed her exam. Having received a good mark? she was happy
3)я была уверена,что Аня позвонит мне как только ей принесут билеты в театр
I was sure,that Ann would call me as soon as she was brought the tiket to the theatre
4)все вошедшие в зал дети остановились в изумлении перед наряженной елкой.
All children, who came to the hall, stopped in amazing under the decorated new year tree
5)-что помешала тебе прийти вовремя?
-меня заставили переписать тест
-What prevent you from coming on time?
- I was made to rewrite the test
6)Скоро будет два года как они строят дом в деревне.
the will have been bilding the house in the country for 2 years,soon
7)пока проект обсуждали,мы внимательно слушали.после того как обсуждение закончилось, мы начали задавать вопросы.
while the progect was being discased, we were listening with attention.Before the discssing had finished, we became to answer the questions.
8)когда я вошла, моя маленькая сестренка играла с куклой,которую ей подарили родители.
when I came, my younger sister were playing with doll,which had been given by her parents
9)если бы занималась больше, ты бы получала отличные оценки,
If you learnt more? you would get a good marks
10) жаль,что она не учится в нашей школе.
I wish you studied in our school
11)когда звонил телефон, я работал уже больше часа
when the telephone was rringing, I have been worken more than an hour
12)сообщили,что соревнование будет проводиться на стадионе
The competition ia reported to be in a gym
13)если бы ты легла раньше вчера,у тебя не болела бы голова сегодня
if you had gone to bed, you would not have a herdache

английский язык обучение     #1   09 сен 2013 21:04   Увидели: 19 клиентов, 1 специалист   Ответить
👎 1
Ошибок очень много. Для начала я бы исправил хотя бы орфографию и опечатки.
👎 0
2)we know that yesterday morning she was taking an exam. getting a good grade,she was excited 3)I was sure that Anya would call me as soon as she will theatre tickets 4)all included in the hall of the children stood in amazement before decorated елкой.5)-what prevented you to come in time?
-I was forced to rewrite the text .6)will Soon be two years as they build a house in деревне.7)until the project discussed,we carefully слушали.после as the conversation ended, we started asking вопросы.8)when I entered, my little sister was playing with a doll,which she gave родители.9)if practiced more, you would received excellent marks,10) it's a pity that she is not learning in our школе.11)when the phone rang, I was already working more часа.12)reported that the competition will be held at the stadium.
13)if you lay before yesterday,you didn't hurt my head would today

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