👎 -16

Определите время и залог сказуемого.

1. People’s memory can be compared with a computer storing information.
2. If I am not mistaken this book is often referred to by you.
3. Children are looked after by their parents.
4. The meeting was attended by all the students.
5. At the station we were joined by our friends.

английский язык обучение     #1   18 май 2021 14:44   Увидели: 147 клиентов, 63 специалиста   Ответить
👎 1

1. Present Simple passive
2. Present Simple passive
3. Present simple passive
4. Past simple passive.
5/ Past simple passive

👎 1

1. Present Simple Passive
2.Present Simple Passive
3. Present Simple Passive
4. Past Simple Passive
5. Past Simple Passive

👎 1

1. Present Simple Passive, can be compared
2. Present Simple Passive, am not mistaken
3. Present Simple Passive, are looked
4. Past Simple Passive, was attended
5. Past Simple Passive, were joined

👎 1

1. can be compared — Passive, Present Simple
2. am not mistaken — Active, Present Simple; is referred — Passive, Present Simple
3. are looked — Passive, Present Simple
4. was attended — Passive, Past Simple
5. were joined — Passive, Past Simple

👎 1

1. Present Simple, Passive voice
2. Present Simple, Passive voice
3. Present Simple, Passive voice
4. Past Simple, Passive voice
5. Past Simple, Passive voice

👎 0

people s memory can be compared with a computer storing information

  #7   01 дек 2021 17:01   Ответить

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👎 10

Определить видо-временную форму глагола и подчеркнуть сказуемое   0 ответов

Здравствуйте. Помогите, пожалуйста, с заданием. Совсем запуталась... Два раза уже пересдавала, но все равно с ошибками...

1. I didn't like to visit my relatives.
2. We were discussing the plan of our work.
3. Do you want to enter the University?
4. It takes me long to get to school.
5. How long have you been wearing glasses?
6. They left school last year.
7. It will have stopped raining.
8. The students had passed the…
👎 02

Нужно определить видовременную форму и залог у глагола-сказуемого   2 ответа

Помогите пожалуйста кто знает! Нужно определить определить видовременную форму и залог у глагола-сказуемого:
THe climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical loocation.
We were sitting in the garden when it suddenly started to rain.
Pripyat is the center of the forbidden zone, a circle, 30 kilometers across, which has been sealed off from the outside world .
Bread has been the main food product and it has been compared with gold, with the sun and life itself.
The cultivation machines produced by this plant are being used in agriculture

  09 ноя 2014 16:57  
👎 11

Помогите!!!!!!!!!!!!!   1 ответ

1. We have done our work in time.
Мы сделали нашу работу вовремя.
have done-Раst Indеfinitе Active
2. The meeting was attended by representatives of different organizations.
Встреча была посещена представителями различных организаций.
was attended by-Passive, Present Indefinite
3. When I entered the hall, the professor had already been speaking for ten minutes
Когда я вошел в зал, профессор уже говорил за десять минут.
entered the hall-Active voice, Past Perfect
already been-Passive Voice, Past Indefinite
  05 дек 2013 13:12  
👎 00

Определите видовременные формы глаголов   0 ответов

Помогите пожалуйста!!!
Определите видовременные формы глаголов в следующих предложениях.

1. Не has already finished to read this book. You may take it. 2. The lecture was attended by many students. 3. The picture is looked at with great interest. 4. I was told to come at once. 5. Much attention will be paid to this research work. 6. He said that they had already returned home. 7. I’ll be dressed in a minute. 8. The door is locked and we can’t get in. 9. Was your poem published?
  28 мар 2013 19:49  
👎 210

Английский   10 ответов

я перевела текст.
Исправьте где ест пожалуйста ошибки.
Я увидела рекламу вашего колледжа и захотела у вас учиться. В своём письме я прошу вас рассмотреть свою заявку. Я бы хотела у вас учиться потому что в дальнейшем я бы хотела жить и работать у вас в стране. Так же это очень престижно закончить ваш колледж. Ещё я бы хотела встретить новых друзей потому что встреча с новыми людьми для меня всегда радость.

I saw an advertisement…
  12 апр 2011 18:56  
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