👎 01

Задать вопросы к предложениям на английском 2

Задание: найти в тексте предложения с Present Simple, задать вопросы к ним и поставить отрицание.

1) Ladies of the parish serve mulled wine and mince pies to the audience beetween stories.

Общий вопрос: Do ladies of the parish serve mulled wine and mince pies to the audience beetween stories?

Специальный вопрос: What do ladies of the parish serve to the audience beetween stories?

Альтернативный вопрос: Do ladies of the parish serve mulled wine and mince pies to the audience or to contestants.

Разделительный вопрос: Do ladies of the parish serve mulled wine and mince pies to the audience beetween stories, don't they?

Отрицание: Ladies of the parish don't serve mulled wine and mince pies to the audience beetween stories.

2) The Cook's tale becomes a short and simple song.

Общий вопрос: Does the Cook's tale become a short and simple song?

Специальный вопрос: What does the Cook's tale become?

Альтернативный вопрос: Does the Cook's tale or does Reeve's tale become short and simple song?

Разделительный вопрос: Does the Cook's tale become a short and simple song, doesn't it?

Отрицание: The Cook's tale does't become a short and simple song.

3) So at the Young Vic an actor robed as the local vicar shakes hands with arriving patrons, welcoming them to the annual G. C. storytelling competition.

Общий вопрос: Do actor robed as the local vicar shake hands with arriving patrons, welcoming them to the annual G. C. storytelling competition at the Young Vic?

Специальный вопрос: Where do actor robed as local vicar shake hands with arriving patrons, welcoming them to the annual G. C. storytelling competition?

Альтернативный вопрос: Do actor robed as the local vicar or as the local policeman shake hands with arriving patrons, welcoming them to the annual G. C. storytelling competition at the Young Vic?

Разделительный вопрос: Does actor robed as the local vicar shake hands with arriving patrons, welcoming them to the annual G. C. storytelling competition at the Young Vic, doesn't he?

Отрицание: So at the Young Vic an actor robed as the local vicar doesn't shake hands with arriving patrons, welcoming them to the annual G. C. storytelling competition.
английский язык обучение     #1   15 май 2016 12:35   Увидели: 16 клиентов, 16 специалистов   Ответить
👎 0

1. Do ladies of the parish serve mulled wine and mince pies to the audience beetween stories, don't they? — неверная структура вопроса. 1 часть, до запятой, должна быть в форме утвердительного предложения: Ladies of the parish serve mulled wine and mince pies to the audience beetween stories, don't they?

То же самое во всех остальных предложения, правильные варианты ниже:
2. The Cook's tale becomes a short and simple song, doesn't it?
3. So at the Young Vic an actor robed as the local vicar shakes hands with arriving patrons, welcoming them to the annual G. C. storytelling competition, doesn't he?

3. Do на Does замените в первых трехз вопросах.

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