👎 01

Помоги пожалуйста найти глагол-сказуемое и определить его видовременную…

Помоги пожалуйста найти глагол-сказуемое и определить его видовременную форму.

1.Since the 1965 introduction of the Canadian flag, the maple leaf has become the country’s most important symbol.
2.The southern part of the province is relatively flat.
3. At two o’clock tomorrow we shall be taking our French lesson.
4.The Atlantic region grows some of the finest potatoes in North America
английский язык обучение     #1   21 окт 2013 20:13   Увидели: 23 клиента, 7 специалистов   Ответить
👎 6
Юлия, на данном форуме не принято выполнять задание за кого-то. Предложите свой вариант выполненного задания, если будут ошибки, мы поможем вам их исправить.

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👎 -13

Rewrite the following text in the passive.   3 ответа

Over the past ten years oil spills have polluted the seas surrounding Britain. The tankers spill oil onto the coast and this harms many forms of wildlife. Environmentalists say that they need a lot of volunteers if they are to minimise the damage. In future, the government has promised that it will prosecute the owners of any tankers that pollute the North Sea in this way. The government also hopes that they can prevent such incidents by building more lighthouses along the coastline.
  12 дек 2016 14:53  
👎 01

Нужна помощь   1 ответ

Спешите предложения,подчеркните в них сказуемое, определите видовременные формы и залог. Переведите на русский язык
1) We shall have written the letter to the foreign company by 7 o'clock tomorrow.
2) When he entered the room the contract was being checked by the legal adviser.
3) We will be exporting industrial equipment to other countries during the next year.
4) The top of the mountain was reached under the greatest difficulty
5) They will solve the problem in the near future.
Заранее спасибо большое.
  22 ноя 2016 10:39  
👎 00

Помогите с заданием!!   0 ответов

определить видовременные глаголы и указать инфинитив, а также перевести.
1.It was G.Washinqton who chose the place for the District and laid in 1790 the corner — stone of the Capitol, were Conqress sits.
2. Not far from the Copitol is the Washinqton Monument, which looks like a very biq pencil.
3. Washington has nothing characteristically American in it, as its conseption is purely French.
4. The 16-th President of the US gave freedom…
  14 янв 2017 20:59  
👎 01

Помогите пожалуйста определите видо- временную форму глаголов в следующих предложениях, в английском я вообще не разбираюсь((( пожалуйста   1 ответ

1. Most of the pictures in magazines depend on their content.
2. The art of printing was making fast progress during the 19th century.
3. Look! He is taking photoes with a new camera.
4. She had written only two letters by the day.
5. You will find this unique journal in a modest office building in Lower Manhattan.
6. Each of the students of our group has already bought the latest issue of Moscow News
👎 06

Мне нужно определить видовременную форму и залог у глагола-сказуемого…   6 ответов

Добрый день. Мне очень нужна помощь. Мне нужно определить видовременную форму и залог у глагола-сказуемого.
1 The property of this material changes.
2 Many inventions were made Edison.
3 The lesson will start in 5 minutes.
4 He has not read the discription of the labratore work.
  07 авг 2013 07:49  
👎 03

Определить видовременные формы глаголов   3 ответа

1.We are building a new railway line in this region.
2.These railway lines connect distant parts of our country.
3.This diagram will help you to solve your problem.
4.Our industry will be a applying still more plastics in future.
5.He graduated from the extra-mural Institute last year.
  20 янв 2013 11:42  
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