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Small Grains
The small grains include wheat, oats, barley, rye, and rice. These plants furnish a very large part of man's food. They are members of the grass family, and all are annuals or winter annuals.
The small grains are used for many purposes. The most important uses are as human food, feed for animals, and bev¬erage production.
As human food. Wheat is the most important food plant. Wheat is used for food in the form of bread, biscuits, past¬ries, macaroni, crackers, and the like. Practically all of the oats used as human food are in the form of rolled oats. Barley is used to a lesser extent as human food. Most of the rye consumed is in the form of bread. As feed for animals. All the small grains are used to some extent as feed for animals. Oats are universally recog¬nized as a good feed for horses, and nearly all the oats, except those used for seed and the small amount for rolled oats, is fed to livestock. Most of the barley is fed to live¬stock, and by-products of wheat and rice are used in feeding animals.
Wheat is cultivated throughout the world. Dis¬tricts of heavy rainfall are not suitable for wheat, and the yield is very dependent on summer sunshine. Wheat is extremely deep-rooted and drought-resistant, and on all soils, except very light ones, gives the best yields in dry and sunny seasons; it is more resistant to winter frost than either barley or oats. It is the safest cereal to grow on really rich land, as it stands heavy manuring, and is not very liable to lodge.
Rye is the most winter-hardy of the small grains, practically all rye being fall sown.

английский язык обучение     #1   08 май 2021 18:51   Увидели: 46 клиентов, 82 специалиста   Ответить
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Я послала ответ на предыдущий текст, но сайт пишет, что ошибка. Мне интересно, получен был предыдущий ответ от меня? спасибо

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Елена Олеговна, вы можете посмотреть все вопросы и ответы в разделе «английский язык» по ссылке https://ask.profi.ru/z/obuchenie/english/
На сайте есть рубрикатор, где можно перейти в интересующий вас раздел.

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Добрый день, ответа от Вас небыло.

  #4   08 май 2021 19:31   Ответить
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A weed (1)can be defined as a plant that (2)grows where it (3)is not wanted.
Weeds (4)do much damage to crops. When we (5)consider loss¬es from weeds for all of the crops, including pastures, plus damage by insects and diseases harboured by weeds, plus the lower quality of milk and its products and grain and wool because of weeds, the figures (6)run into unbelievable millions. And this (7)is not all of the loss. The extra labour required to keep weeds under control (8)is probably the greatest loss they (9)cause. A large proportion of the labour of producing crops (10)is spent in destroying weeds.
We (11)cannot list here all of the causes, of the great losses from weeds, but we (12)shall list a few of them: 1. Weeds (13)rob other plants of water in the soil. 2. They(14) rob other plants of food materials. 3. Weeds often (15)shade and (16)smother small cultivated plants because they (17)grow faster. 4. They (18)harbour plant diseases. 5. They (19)harbour insects and injurious worms. 6. They (20)cause lower quality of grains and wool. This (21)is due to weed seeds in grain, and to burs in wool. 7. Some kinds of weeds (22)poison livestock and people. 8. Weeds (23)cause bad flavours in milk, butter and cheese. 9. They (24)cause' hay fever and other diseases which some people (25)get from breathing the pollen from weeds.
Weeds (26)spread because they (27)are more hardy than cultivated plants, because they (28)have so many seeds, and because the seeds (29)have so many ways of being scattered. Weeds (30)grow faster than most cultivated plants and (31)are more difficult to kill. Weed seeds (32)live a long time. The seeds of some weeds buried in the soil (33)may live fifteen to thirty-five years. (34)There is a popular expression: one year of seed (35)gives seven years of weeds.

1. Present Simple, Passive
2. Present Simple, Active
3. Present Simple, Passive
4. Present Simple, Active
5. Present Simple, Active
6. Present Simple, Active
7. Present Simple, Active
8. Present Simple, Active
9. Present Simple, Active
10. Present Simple, Passive
11. Present Simple, Active
12. Future Simple, Active
13. Present Simple, Active
14. Present Simple, Active
15. Present Simple, Active
16. Present Simple, Active
17. Present Simple, Active
18. Present Simple, Active
19. Present Simple, Active
20. Present Simple, Active
21. Present Simple, Active
22. Present Simple, Active
23. Present Simple, Active
24. Present Simple, Active
25. Present Simple, Active
26. Present Simple, Active
27. Present Simple, Active
28. Present Simple, Active
29. Present Simple, Active
30. Present Simple, Active
31. Present Simple, Passive
32. Present Simple, Active
33. Present Simple, Active
34. Present Simple, Active
35. Present Simple, Active

👎 0

Извините, цифра в скобочке стоит после слова?

  #6   08 май 2021 19:55   Ответить
👎 0

Я полный ноль в английком((((

  #7   08 май 2021 19:58   Ответить
👎 0

цифра в скобке стоит перед глаголом сказуемым

👎 0

1. include — Present Simple, Active
2. furnish — Pr Simple, Active
3.are members — Pr Simple, Active
4. are annuals — Pr. Simple, Active
5. are winter annuals — Pr Simple, Active
6. are used for — Pr Simple, Passive
7. are — Pr Simple, Active
8. is the most important food plant- Pr Simple, Active
9. is used for — Pr Simple, Passive
10. are — Pr Simple, Active
11.is used — Pr Simple, Passive
12. is — Pr Simple, Active
13. are used — Pr Simple, Passive
14. are recognized -Pr Simple, Passive
15. is fed — Pr Simple, Passive
16. is fed — Pr Simple, Passive
17. are used — Pr.Simple, Passive
18. is cultivated — Pr Simple, Passive
19. are not suitable — Pr Simple, Active
20. is dependent — Pr Simple, Passive
21. is deep-rooted — Pr Simple, Passive
22. is drought-resistant — Pr Simple, Passive
23. gives — Pr Simple, Active
24. is resistant — Pr Simple, Passive
25. is — Pr Simple, Active
26. stands — Pr Simple, Active
27. is not liable — Pr Simple, Passive
28. is the most winter-hardy — Pr Simple, Active
29. is being sown — Pr Simple, Passive

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Это мой ответ на второй текст Small grains

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Спасибо!! Вы гений))))

  #11   08 май 2021 20:16   Ответить
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Рада, что помогла вам)

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