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Vegetables and their Food Value
A vegetable is an edible herbaceous plant or part thereof that is commonly used for human food. It is obvious that edi¬ble portions of vegetables may be the fruits, buds, foliage, stems, tubers, roots or various other parts of the plants. At present over a thousand species of herbaceous plants are used for human food and are properly classed as vegetables. The phenomenal growth of the vegetable industry is due, in a large measure, to the recognized food value of vegeta¬bles, they being our most important sources of vitamins and minerals. Vegetables are also known to be excellent sources of carbo¬hydrates and proteins. Their liberal use in the dietary is likely to result in better health and longer life. Vegetables are our most important natural sources of vitamins A and C and they rank high as sources of vitamins B and B2. The vitamin content of some vegetables has been found to be as high as that of fruit or even higher. For instance, tomatoes contain over two thirds as much vitamin C as oranges. It has been found that pro-vitamin A is concentrated largely in the thin leafy portions of vegeta¬bles, not petioles or roots. However, yellow roots, as carrots, have proved to be rich in pro-vitamin A. Most vegetables present good sources of vitamins B and B2. Vitamin C is abundant in peppers, in leafy vegetables, and in the stor¬age organs. Some vegetables, such as tomatoes, green peas, potatoes, spinach and others are good sources of niacin (nicotinic acid).
The vitamin content of different varieties of vegetables dif¬fers greatly, there being high- and low-vitamin varieties or strains. The vitamin content of vegetables is affected by different soil fertility levels.

английский язык обучение     #1   26 ноя 2021 16:49   Увидели: 90 клиентов, 218 специалистов   Ответить

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